Dear Colleagues greetings
It is our utmost pleasure to inform you that the International Scientific Peer-reviewed Journal of Gori State University “Philological Researches” (impact-factor: 0.591; indexed in ISI database, Online ISSN: 2667-9612) is accepting scholarly articles for the next issue.
The Journal “Philological Researches” aims to provide the scientific society with information about latest researches in philology and in respective sub-fields, in particular: Literary studies, Classic literature, New literature, Modern and postmodern literature, Poetry Studies theory, Problems in literary theory, Studies of Folklore, History of Folklore, Cultural Paradigms, Journalistic Researches, History of Journalism, Shakespeare studies, Rustaveli studies, World literature, Paleography, Text studies, Code studies, Critique/essayistic studies, Review/response, Children’s Literature, Hermeneutics of Literature, Dramaturgical literature, Epistle literature, Studies in Poetics, Mythos studies, Critical discourse, Linguistics , Phonetics, Morphology, Syntax, Stylistics, Dialectology, Linguistics of the text, Computer linguistics, Socio-linguistics, Psycho-linguistics, Cognitive linguistics, Theoretical linguistics, Lexicology/Onomastics/Onomatology, General issues of Terminology, Translation studies, Etymology, Orthography, Semantics-semasiology.
On the one hand, the journal would help Georgian scholars to transfer their scientific achievements abroad, in order to popularize the, and on the other hand, it would help Georgian scientific community to get acquainted with the modern level of foreign-produced scholarly work. The existing peer-review mechanism would help the qualitative increase of the scholarly works.
The journal is supported by the OJS-Open Journal Systems.
The scholarly works could be published in Georgian, English, Russian and Turkish languages. Viewers have a chance to explore the menu of the journal in Georgian and English Languages. The journal is designated for the scholars majoring in philology and its sub-fields, in particular for: academic personnel of the higher educational institutions, junior and senior researchers and doctoral students. The content to be published in the journal should be related to the scholarly research conducted in the abovementioned field/sub-fields, also proceedings of the international scientific conference (Forum, Symposium, etc.,), reports of the scientific expeditions and reviews. The scholarly workes published in the journal is freely accessible for everyone.
The journal is published twice a year (In June and in December). Publication is free of charge.
The deadline for submitting the scholarly articles is April 30, 2025!
The paper submitted for publication must be in the APA citation style of the American Psychological Association. The work should be structured according to IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion) format (For the structure of the articles please see the link:
The scholarly article should be submitted electronically. In order for the submission of the article, the author should register (please see instructions for the registration in attachments 2). In case the author desires to submit the manuscript in Microsoft Word document, please use the following e-mails: ,
The review of the manuscript is conducted by 2 reviewers, using the "blind-review" method (The reviewer is not aware of the author and the author is not aware of the reviewer(s). Articles submitted for publication are checked for plagiarism using the Turnitin program.
In the nearest future the editorial group of the journal plans to include the journal in the international databases with scientific bibliometrics.
The editorial board of the journal and the editorial council hereby thanks the representatives of the academic society and wishes good luck in their scholarly endeavors.
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