
The history of activities of the state institutions of the Democratic Republic of Georgia, including the Ministries is not properly studied. The present article aims to make up for some of these shortcomings of historiography and, based on the first sources, covers the work the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1918-1921.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs was established immediately after the restoration of Georgia's state independence and the establishment of a democratic republic. From the very first day, it was headed by the famous Georgian Social Democrat Noe Ramishvili, who was also the chairman of the government from May 26, 1918 to June 24, 1918.

The agency had: a central division, charity, healthcare, post and telegraph departments and a special detachment. The Central Division of the Ministry included administrative, general, reporting, local economy, community, veterinary and bordering departments, and the Central Committee for Refugees. The Criminal Investigation Militia was also subject to the Ministry. The agency was responsible for ensuring state order, citizen registration and providing them with ID documents, general control over the formation and operation of local self-government bodies throughout the country, as well as support for the development of the communication systems - post and telegraph etc.

The study showed that the Ministry of Internal Affairs was an important guarantor of the stability and security of the state throughout the existence of the Democratic Republic of Georgia. It overcame unrest and anarchy in different parts of the country and provided conditions for more or less calm flow of life of the State.

In this regard, a special role was played by a special Detachment of the Ministry led by Mecca Kedia. The Detachment managed to prevent several anti-state uprisings and attempts of an armed revolt; Many agents and means of propaganda of hostile countries towards Georgia were spotted and identified. More than 1,000 Bolsheviks suspected of undermining activities against the country were arrested at different times, a certain part of them was deported from Georgia.

The Ministry paid great attention to cultural and educational activities, and Minister Ramishvili often visited different towns and villages for direct contacts with the population. It is the merit of the agency that a telegraph was laid in all parts of Georgia, the postal mail, and telephone service systems were expanded.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs submitted about 80 bills to the Constituent Assembly for approval, many of which became laws and it issued tens of legal acts (decrees, resolutions, ordinances). The agency made great efforts to overcome the "Ispanka" epidemic, as well as to solve the problems of refugees from abroad looking for shelter in Georgia.

Key words: Democratic Republic of Georgia, Ministry of Internaly Affairs, Special detachment, Cryomogenic situation, Security, Stabilization.

