პატივცემულო კოლეგებო

     საერთაშორისო სამეცნიერო ელექტრონული  ჟურნალის „ისტორია, არქეოლოგია, ეთნოლოგია“ („History, Archaeology, Ethnology”) მეხუთე ნომერი გამოვა მიმდინარე წლის ივნისში. 

       სამეცნიერო  შრომების წარდგენის ბოლო ვადაა 15 მაისი!

   შეგახსენებთ, რომ ჟურნალში სტატიები ქვეყნდება ქართულ, ინგლისურ, გერმანულ, რუსულ და თურქულ  ენებზე. სტატიის მომზადების ინსტრუქციას შეგიძლიათ გაეცნოთ ელექტრონულ მისამართზე:


გამოქვეყნება უფასოა.

     გაცნობებთ, რომ ჟურნალი უკვე ინდექსირებულია რამდენიმე საერთაშორისო ბაზაში (იხ. http://sciencejournals.ge/index.php/HAE/about). 2021 წელს მოხდება მეორე იმპაქტ- ფაქტორის დაანგარიშება. მიმდინარე პერიოდში ჟურნალის ინდექსირების საკითხი იხილება კიდევ მსოფლიოს ცნობილ  საერთაშორისო ბაზებში.

  მეხუთე ნომერში გამოქვეყნებულ სტატიებს მიენიჭება  DOI (DIGITAL OBJECT IDENTIFIER)

ჟურნალის არქივს შეგიძლიათ გაეცნოთ მისამართზე:


ჟურნალის მომხმარებლებს რედაქტორთა კოლეგიის გადაწყვეტილებით, ვთავაზობთ  ინსტრუქციას ან დავეხმარებით  WoS-ში შექმნას საკუთარი "მკვლევარის გვერდი" (publons)  და ატვირთოს  უკვე გამოქვეყნებული შრომები. 

      ჟურნალის რედაქტორთა კოლეგია და სარედაქციო საბჭო წინასწარ უხდის  მადლობას თანამშრომლობისათვის  აღნიშნული დარგების აკადემიური სფეროს წარმომადგენლებს და უსურვებს  წარმატებებს.


  • Dear Colleagues


         The eleventh issue of the international scientific electronic journal "History, Archaeology, Ethnology" (ისტორია, არქეოლოგია, ეთნოლოგია) will be released in December of this year. Articles will be accepted from August.

            The deadline for submitting scientific works is October 31

    We would like to remind you that the articles in the magazine are published in Georgian, English, German, Russian and Turkish languages. The article must represent unpublished scientific research. Articles of review (analytical) content will not be accepted. You can read the instructions for preparing the article at the following e-mail address:


    The article can be uploaded programmatically (e. address: http://sciencejournals.ge/index.php/HAE ), or the author can send the article electronically as a Word file to the following e-mail addresses:

    nikoaxal@gmail.com,  history.archaeology.ethnology@gmail.com

    Posting is free.

         Please be informed that the impact factor of the 2022-2023 journal in the ISI database is 1.157 (see https://isindexing.com/isi/journaldetails.php?id=13328). In the current period, the issue of journal indexing is seen in the world's well-known international databases.   

    You can get acquainted with the archive of the magazine at the address:


    By the decision of the Board of Editors, we offer the magazine users instruction or help in creating their own "researcher page"  in WoS and uploading already published works. This is important because negotiations have already begun on the journal WoS indexing. We have already received the first recommendations set out in the new handbook for authors.

          The Board of Editors and the Editorial Board would like to thank the academic representatives of the mentioned fields for their cooperation and wish them success.

    P.S. Please be informed that the editorial team is not authorized to make corrections in the article submitted by the author, taking into account the existing publishing policy and license conditions of the magazine. The author himself is responsible for the content and technical side of the article. Therefore, please note that if any spelling or stylistic errors or technical errors are found in the submitted article, the article will not be considered for publication.

    The content of the article is checked on the basis of a double-blind peer review.

    Read more about Dear Colleagues
  • Dear Colleagues


         The eleventh issue of the international scientific electronic journal "History, Archaeology, Ethnology" (ისტორია, არქეოლოგია, ეთნოლოგია) will be released in June of this year. Articles will be accepted from February 1.

            The deadline for submitting scientific works is May 15

    We would like to remind you that the articles in the magazine are published in Georgian, English, German, Russian and Turkish languages. The article must represent unpublished scientific research. Articles of review (analytical) content will not be accepted. You can read the instructions for preparing the article at the following e-mail address:


    The article can be uploaded programmatically (e. address: http://sciencejournals.ge/index.php/HAE ), or the author can send the article electronically as a Word file to the following e-mail addresses:

    nikoaxal@gmail.com,  history.archaeology.ethnology@gmail.com

    Posting is free.

         Please be informed that the impact factor of the 2022-2023 journal in the ISI database is 1.157 (see https://isindexing.com/isi/journaldetails.php?id=13328). In the current period, the issue of journal indexing is seen in the world's well-known international databases.   

    You can get acquainted with the archive of the magazine at the address:


    By the decision of the Board of Editors, we offer the magazine users instruction or help in creating their own "researcher page"  in WoS and uploading already published works. This is important because negotiations have already begun on the journal WoS indexing. We have already received the first recommendations set out in the new handbook for authors.

          The Board of Editors and the Editorial Board would like to thank the academic representatives of the mentioned fields for their cooperation and wish them success.

    P.S. Please be informed that the editorial team is not authorized to make corrections in the article submitted by the author, taking into account the existing publishing policy and license conditions of the magazine. The author himself is responsible for the content and technical side of the article. Therefore, please note that if any spelling or stylistic errors or technical errors are found in the submitted article, the article will not be considered for publication.

    The content of the article is checked on the basis of double-blind peer review.

    Read more about Dear Colleagues