
It has not been long since Georgia was freed from the colonial shackles, but the process is not over yet. Unfortunately, due to the difficult historical-political or socio-economic past, some of the unique collections in the museums of our country have not been thoroughly studied, therefore the pages of many centuries of history are still to be filled. This opinion is supported by the collection of folk and applied art filigree of the Art Palace of Georgia- Museum of Cultural History, providing a diverse research material. A fundamental study of this collection has not yet been published, which adds even more importance to the paper. Two exhibits from the collection attract special attention: a decorative plate with the image of a deer and a jewelry box with motifs of Abkhazian fairy tales. In the article we will try to highlight the ethnographic significance of these works, the artistic-technical characteristics and the historical background in which these artistic masterpieces were created.

Both exhibits are a reflection of an era that was quite loaded with important historical events, so a study of the works will allow us to see what traces the state of the country leaves on its cultural heritage.

Not surprisingly, in addition to local traditions, the works reflect the influences of Eastern and Western cultures. In art, especially in metal work, the main figure is the customer, whose taste, material condition and requirements often determine the level of the work. The customer’s taste, in its part, is depended on the historical situation of the country, its relations with neighboring countries. Georgia has always been open to other cultures, for example in the researched period Tbilisi was often compared to Janus, looking one way to the East and the other way to the West. Chokha and frock, chikhtikopi and hat, piano and duduk coexisted here.

 Keywords: filigree, Imaginary compositions, Metalwork, Akhaltsikhe, 19th-20th centuries.
