The paper talks about the historical village of Korinti in the Ksani valley, which is located in the occupied Akhalgori municipality. When researching the issue, we first focus on the historical-geographic environment of the village. The famous historian and geographer Vakhushti Batonishvili konsiders the "Rock of Corinth" to be the dividing line between the mountain and bar regions of the Ksani valley.
Corinth was one of the important crossroads of the villages of the Kartli kingdom, its strategic location in turn contributed to the rise of the feudal Corinthians in the 9th-10th centuries, who founded the village of Sakorintlo (Kaspi municipality) in the 18th century.
Corintha is mentioned in the 1669 deed of Tsilkneli, however, unfortunately, we have no information about the population of the village at that time. It should be noted that Corinth was the native village of the famous playwright and national figure Giorgi Eristavi.
At one time, a palace was built here by Giorgi's grandfather Rostom the son of David Eristavi. The article talks about the Rostomy palace and the relationship of the Giorgi Eristavi family with Corinth, as well as the Eristavi gate church, its treasures, and other architectural monuments in the village.
The main attention is paid to the demographic lists: from the statistical descriptions of the Saeristavo of Ksni in the second half of the 18th century, it can be seen that this village was the name of Abram Tinikashvili of Karchokhi Mouravi, the Mouravi-Tinikashvili who emigrated from the village of Tinikaani settled here, who, in turn, migrated from Khoshara village of Pshavi, in the Ksni valley, and Their last name was Gabidauri.In the censuses of the 18th-19th centuries, Tinikashvili often have their own name Gabidauri, which indicates that they did not forget their original surname and origin.
In the census of 1783, there is one family of Zangurashvili next to Tinikashvili.
By the end of the 18th century, Corintha was included in the list of noble estates of Ioane Batonishvili, which can be seen from the census of Kartl-Kakheti in 1794-1799. According to the first Russian chamber census of 1804, the lands and serfs of Corinth belonged to the nobles of Ksani, 1 household (the Zangurashvili family) belonged to the Fitkhelauri nobility.
The paper publishes for the first time a large part of the XIX-XX centuries demographic lists about Corinth (cameral and union census data), which allows us to fully present the dynamics of the rural population, the current situation is reviewed, which is due to the severe consequences of the August 2008 war.
The work includes reports of the inhabitants of the village of Corinth about the past of their native village, churches-monasteries and population.
Key words: Ksni Gorge; Karchokhi Samouravo; demographic lists; churches-monasteries; Eristavi serfs; Zemo Alevi community; daily land, foundations.