In the present article, the adverbs of manner confirmed in Shidakartlur are studied. The research material was recorded by us in the villages of Big and Little Liakhvi, Froni, Dzama, Kavtura, Tedzmi and Ateni valleys. The latest material is analyzed and compared with dialect texts written by Georgian linguists at different times to present linguistic processes chronologically separated in time and space.
Both primary (root) and verbs formed from other parts of speech are used as adverbs of situation. Nouns, adjectives, numerals, pronouns, conjunctions and particles undergo transformation.
Noteworthy are the suffixes that form the adverbs of manner - iv: tanabriv ("equally"), unobnobliv ("as a district"), tvalnatliv ("clearly")... The suffix -re is found in adverbs: agre, magre, egre " ( "yes"). ... Compound verbs : patiputad ("pantipuntad"), tolnatsilad ( " in equal parts")....All these verbs are often represented by the emphatic vowel -a.
he change of emphatic vowel -i and rotation sign -d into -t sound leads to the production of parallel forms:dzalad/ dzalat//dzalata ( "force"); tsotad// tsotat// tsotata ( "little")....
With the function of the adverb of the situation, the forms formed by the combination of the nominative rotation and the dative rotation of the postpositional structure are used.
Adverbs of manner are mainly related to the verb, but also form pairs with other members of the sentence. Its place in the sentence is free: it can precede or follow the member of the sentence, or be separated from it by other members. The function of the transformed parts of speech is similar to the Georgian language system. Linguistic events due to the internal potential of the language, population migration and interaction with other dialects are observed. Terms borrowed from another language are not confirmed.
Keywords: Georgian literary language, Dialect, Shida Kartlian, Adverb of manner, Production, Structure, Extending vowel, Parallel variants.