
The cycle ,,Elene  Dariani’s Diaries” has been written in 1915-1923.  Fourteen poems of a cycle ,,Elene  Dariani’s Diaries”especially distinetly show the tendencies peculiar European.

Paolo Iashvili faced double challenge: Elene Dariani was not only a lyrical character or heroine but she should have been taken as the author of the ,,Dariani” verses.

Multiple varieties of mystification were an integral part of modernism and the avant-garde. It is within Georgian modernism that brilliant literary mystification found its embodiment represented Paolo Iashvili’s ,,Elene  Dariani’s Diaries”.

In Paolo Iashvili’s lyrics are obviously separated real, a apistology background and mystification the world projected on simulation.

Every writer appeals to characterize the objects with colors. Some writers’ language is rich with color indicating vocabulary. The internal form of color words can be determined by the lexical-speech meaning, to which additional information is added in the context itself; Analysis of words is needed both separated and in context.

Color artistic analyze has an important part in Paulo Iashvili works. The dominant colors in his works are red and yellow as the indication of “evil” color.  Blue color dominant in poesy of ,,Elene  Dariani’s Diaries”. One can meet white, blue, green and black colors as well that have semantic charge in his poetry. Using different colors poet describes comparatively peaceful events. He uses chromatic and achromatic colors.


Key words:  Paolo Iashvili, „Elena Dariani’s  Diaries“, Poetry, Literary Mystification.
