• Nana Araikhamia Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor of Sokhumi State University, Tbilisi, A. Politkovskaia 61, 0186, Georgia http://orcid.org/0009-0007-5980-2752
Keywords: Aleksandre Chavchavadze, Colonial Policy of the Russian Empire, Struggle to Preserve National Identity.


The first half of the nineteenth century was the time of preservation, dedication and struggle for Georgian identity. Russian colonial forces tried to destroy the Georgian national identity and republicanism. Georgian poets and writers defined political processes, history and public thinking in Georgia at that time. Georgian writers of the nineteenth century. The national-patriotic motif occupies a special place in the literature. It is obvious that there is dissatisfaction with the existing reality. Georgian writers and public figures are fighting for national self-awareness and the country's survival. The article shows what influence the current historical reality had on the literary texts of Alexander Chavchavadze. What caused the existing in Georgian literary studies. Unequal evaluations of Alexander Chavchavadze 's civic beliefs or his poetic legacy.? Why was the question of dividing Alexander Chavchavadze's work into periods raised? that after the conspiracy of 1832, the poet changed his attitude to the national pain. The facts mentioned in the article and the views of the great classicist Ilia Chavchavadze prove that Alexander Chavchavadze never lived beyond the national pain, neither before 1832 nor after the defeat of the conspiracy. The historical era in which the poet lived, the reality in which the country was, determined the choice of a conciliatory policy. The main reason for Alexander Chavchavadze's conciliatory policy with Russia and entering the service of Russia was due to doing national work. Educated Alexander Chavchavadze understood very well that a nation in a state of war, which threatened the country with extinction from Muslim states and, at best, loss of identity, would lead to a loss of faith. The poet, gifted with political insight, knew that it was possible to do the great work of bringing education and culture to the nation in peace. It would be difficult for Russia to enslave an educated nation and nationalize it, that's why, under the guise of conciliatory policy,Alexander Chavchavadze chose to fight for the country's salvation.


Key words: Aleksandre Chavchavadze, Colonial Policy of the Russian Empire, Struggle to Preserve National Identity.
