Keywords: Phatic, communication, think, interdisciplinary, linguoculturulogy.


The paper investigates the forms and functioning of polite phatic gratitude in two unrelated languages- Georgian and English in terms of revealing similarities and differences on content and expression level. Phatic communication - a kind of communication that serves to establish warm friendly atmosphere between interlocutors and break suddenly arrived silence – plays an important role in forming successful relationship with representatives of the same culture as well as different ones. Due to the specifics of the research, general methodology is interdisciplinary in nature, and it presents the synthesis of anthropocentric-communicative and linguoculturological approaches. Among the existing methods, the primary ones were contrastive and descriptive methods. The research was conducted in synchronous aspect. Empirical material is examples from 20-21st century English and Georgian prose. As a result of contrastive analysis,  polite phatic gratitudes exist in both languages. They have the similar content level  and refers to appreciation of the listeners favour.  There is difference on expression level. In English language due to the etymology of the word, the concept- think is accented. In Georgian gratitude the concept clemency, kindness is focused. It’s noteworthy that in Georgian language expression level of phatic gratitude are more versatile. Most of them are emotive end expressive with happiness highlighted.  

In English language phatic gratitude belongs to ‘negative politeness cultures, as they are based on respect of private space of the listeners, tact and distance. Georgian phatic gratitude on the other hand belongs to ‘positive politeness culture’, as they focus on friendship and close relationship. The distance is shortened and listener’s contribution is hyperbolized.


Keywords: Phatic, communication, think, interdisciplinary, linguoculturulogy.
