• Tea Burchuladze PHD in Philology, Senior Scientist of TSU Arnold Chikobava Linguistics Institute, Tbilisi, 8 Ingorokva, Tbilisi, 0108, Georgia http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2614-012X
Keywords: Syntax, spoken language, Connector.


When observing the functioning of the connector anu, a number of peculiarities occur in the spoken language. It can be used instead of the whole sentence, which is often attested in modern speech. Traditionally, the connector anu is usually placed in the middle or at the beginning of the sentence, although sometimes it can even be found as the initial word of the sentence. When the sentence begins with the mentioned connector, it is obvious that the function is the same (it clarifies a certain word or event), but we have a nuanced difference - this clarification is not within one sentence, but it clarifies in the second sentence what is mentally expressed in the first sentence (sentences). And that's why the structure starts with the connector anu. It is natural to start the sentence with that connector in the spoken language when the speaker discusses something or asks a question, which means explaining something to another person. Both the intonation and the content focus on this connector - explanation and clarification are important in this case. That is why, in a dialogue the answer begins with the connector anu for the purpose of explanation.

Such constructions are interesting from a syntactic point of view as well. They have an elliptical structure. Some words are often omitted (in most cases the words: issue, fact, circumstance, situation, etc). It is not uncommon for a sentence to end with the connector anu in a dialogue in the spoken language. This is specific when the speaker pays particular attention to any point by the interrogative word (in this case by the equalizing connector anu) when they clarify something in the form of a question and want to hear the explanation.

The connector anu is found in both simple and complex sentences. In the speech, it is attested in all kinds of complex sentences, and its place in the construction depends on which word or part of the sentence it specifies or explains - it can be attached at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the sentence.
